The illegal wildlife trade represents the greatest threat to wildlife in Vietnam. Recognizing the urgent need for action against this threat, a local conservation group, Education for Nature Vietnam, established its Wildlife Crimes Unit to facilitate public action in reporting crimes and assist government agencies tasked with wildlife protection. With support from the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, this project is building on the unit's past efforts and expanding the organization's strategic wildlife trade campaign to raise public awareness, mobilize further public involvement and strengthen public and government cooperation. Fund support will enable Education for Nature Vietnam to target all wildlife trade hotspots throughout the country with the aim of encouraging public participation in solving environmental issues and ultimately decreasing the illegal trade of wildlife.
A 501 (c)(3) non-profit private foundation, the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund focuses its resources in four strategic areas: Species Research, Habitat Protection, Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation, and Conservation Education. Since its launch, the Fund has granted $5 million to more than 350 projects in 60 countries. The Fund's grantees are diverse, including global organizations such as World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, and Conservation International along with smaller, grassroots organizations.